Once we know the required specifications, we always keep you in the loop for the steps necessary to make, change or upgrade your design. To assure you of our support, we will work with your manufacturing personnel.
We provide you with our electronic engineering services to deliver your required embedded system including cards, modules, and peripherals throughout the whole concept, design, engineering and manufacturing phases. Once we have started with your product, we guide you for necessary features, required changes as well as design upgrades.
After an initial version of your design has been prepared, selecting a proper manufacturer will be essential for an error-free implementation. The manufacturing contractors on the market are very different, each having its own pros and cons. At EmbedCores, we will help you with the selection of an appropriate manufacturing partner.
Engaging with us early on will give us the possibility to help you meet your cost targets. We also ensure that your product goes through every step without any mistake, hence creates no worry for you.
New incomers to market often overlook some essential features of hardware designs, and that can render your product outdated in a short time. In our company, we always think more comprehensively and more profound about your product. We provide you with the information regarding future components availability, cost, lifetime, lifecycle, functions, and up-to-date variants. By focusing on all these factors, we ensure that a future upgrade of your software will only require minor hardware design changes. You can achieve advanced products and meet industry standards at a minimum possible cost. Your engagement with EmbedCores will make your process go smoothly, your product will meet market standards and will reach the market in the shortest time.
Apart from developing software and electronics hardware, we provide consulting services to investors and inventors. Inventors usually require professional recommendations regarding product viability and market needs. Our professional team are there to guide you with a technical assessment of your product to ensure that your invention goes intimate without any flaws. We will provide you with an unbiased evaluation as well as a detailed report on feasibility, viability and drawbacks of your product before you enter the market.
We will carefully review your concept and look for any improvements in terms of design, reliability and cost. We are confident that we can answer all your technical questions considering the significant experience of professional team. We will help you to ensure that your software will be feasible, scalable, reliable, and secure for licensing, and your software will be fully compatible with your design architecture. Moreover, we perform risk mitigation analysis, and provide support in many other areas related to software development as well.
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